Ric Shields 

Every family needs a black sheep, and in our case that would be Ric, our resident Master of The Dark Arts. Unsatisfied with sticking to a single area of expertise, Ric can be described as a hybrid filmmaker, combining his practical and theoretical training acquired at one of Australia’s top film academies with a sound engineering degree and a decade and a half of experience in the commercial post industry.

From directing chops to camera operation, flowing picture edits and complete sound design to seamless VFX, 3D-modelling and motion graphics, all the way through to final picture grade, you can consider Ric your own cinematic pocket-knife. Heck, he’ll even throw in a professional voiceover if you ask nicely.

With a handful of award- winning music videos and short films under his belt, his passion for filmmaking extends well beyond the bounds of business hours into the night. If you’re looking for his edit suite, listen out for the loud heavy metal that fires up his imagination and drive, and fuels dreams of his band finally making it into the Hard Rock Hall of Fame.

For enquiries contact Tammi or Tarryn in our Cape Town office:

082 658 2505

083 501 5588


Audi – A3 Exchange Campaign

Code – Three Flavours

Fireball – Explosion TVC

Street Store Campaign

Nando’s – Right My Name Campaign

Jameson – Movie Night

Hisense – Combo TVC

Chevrolet – Thanks a Million TVC