Puma directed by Ian Chuter & Wilfred de le Querra agency: 99c Checkers MEJ Chicken directed by Ian Chuter agency: 99c Checkers MEJ Blueberries directed by Ian Chuter agency: 99c Checkers MEJ Cleaning Products directed by Ian Chuter agency: 99c Castle Homegrown TV directed by Siya Sityana agency: Ogilvy Johannesburg PEP Woman’s Month TV directed by Rea Moeti agency: Ogilvy Cape Town 1Life Generational Wealth directed by Anthony Bila agency: 3Verse Cruz Banana TV with AKA directed by Ian Chuter agency: Blue Sky Brands Striped Horse Social Media directed by Anthony Bila agency: ONE Devil’s Peak Lite Social Media directed by Ric Shields & Ian Chuter agency: ONE Darling Social Media with Thembi Seete directed by Anthony Bila agency: King James Johannesburg DSTV Sterring TV directed by Siya Sityana agency: Now Boarding Lindt International TV directed by Ian Chuter agency: 34° Checkers Back to School Stop Motion TV directed by Ian Chuter agency: 99c